March Forum 19/03/2025 @ 1:00pm
We will be joined by Tom Veitch, Climate Change Officer at DCC and hopefully by the climate officers from the districts and boroughs in the county as well.
The forum will cover:
Updates on DCC and District/ Borough activity
Sharing of activity in the Parish and Town Council sector (ie what are you all doing)
What’s needed for the future to ensure that the climate agenda continues to be addressed
What specifically do Parish and Town Councils want to support the work they are doing on the ground.
If there’s time, we will also provide a brief update on local government reorganisation.
This session is open to all member councils – clerks/ officers and interested councillors.
The link is:
Meeting ID: 879 0523 3717
Passcode: 852367
I look forward to seeing you then.
Kind regards
Wendy Amis
Chief Officer
Derbyshire ALC